Oksana Khokhitva
International Sales Manager
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There are 24 variants of gramophone (snail) shapes (types) of inserts for pasta production in our catalogue. In fact, gramophones are subset of "elbow" pasta, in which one edge is flattened, or almost flattened.
And this is an important nuance in the production of gramophone - the cut the product is "flattened" and looks like the shell of snail.
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Talking into consideration special features of your production and raw materials we may offer you pasta inserts which can make the same shape (type), but may vary on:
Depending on the diameter and purpose, gramophones are produced in different diameters of pasta inserts. As the rule, on industrial equipment the gramophone (snail) is produced in diameter from 5 to 38 mm.
Variations of gramophones are presented in inserts:
Inserts for pasta production- gramophones are usually with single forming holes - one product from one insert. It is possible to make insert with several forming holes - several products from one pasta insert - but this is not popular.
Pasta dies are used in a pasta matrix installed in a pasta press.
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